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Non-Review Review: The Social Network

Blessed are the geeks, for they shall inherit the earth.

– The Bible. It’s in the back somewhere.

I’m blogging about The Social Network. How post-modern is that?

Should it be the anti-social network?

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Facebook Off: Tyler Durden’s Cameo in The Social Network

Fans of David Fincher will be pleased to know that Tyler Durden, the character played by Brad Pitt in Fincher’s breakout hit Fight Club, has a (sort of) cameo in The Social Network, one of my most anticipated films of the coming weeks. Reportedly the film see Facebook founder Zuckerberg set up a fake account to cheat on his art history assignment. No points for guessing (from the title of this article), the name he uses:

In a brief scene where Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) is using Facebook to cheat on an art exam, the student profile he searches for art explanations is Tyler Durden’s. Just keep your eyes peeled and look for his name on the top left of the computer screen during the scene. It is a quick one, so be ready.

I like little teasers like this. I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled when watching the film.


Would you let Tyler Durden "poke" you?