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Photos from the Jameson Cult Film Snatch (Cork) Screening…


Just a quick one to start the week. The guys over at the Jameson Cult Film Club sent on some photos from their Cork screening of Snatch last week. I wasn’t able to attend, but I hear it was a good night for all involved. Anyway, I thought I’d share the pictures, and remind any film fans reading that the tickets are given away free to members who join via their website, here. Anyway, I hope everybody who went along enjoyed it, and congratulations to the team on taking the show on the road.

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Alice in Funderland at the Abbey (Review)

I had the pleasure of catching Alice in Funderland at the Abbey Theatre on Friday night. An attempt to playfully recast Lewis Carroll’s iconic story against the backdrop of modern Dublin, it is – for most of its runtime – an enjoyable high-energy experience with a cheeky charm and a winning wit. It is, however, just a little bit uneven – especially in its first act. In fact, the play works much better indulging its delightful appetite for the insane and the surreal, instead of attempting to offer rather blunt commentary on the political and social character of modern Ireland.

Alice? Who the %@#! is Alice?

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